niedziela, 31 lipca 2011

Telepathy KDE PPA

Two days ago, as Martin Klapetek mentioned Telepathy KDE got it's first Technical Preview release. In case you were ever wondering what on Earth is that, there is an awesome post written by George Kiagiadakis, one of the developers behind Telepathy KDE, that explains what it is and what it might become in future.

Telepathy KDE looks like and awesome project and awesome projects deserve as much attention and support as one can give. Having that in mind (and few users asking for it in #kubuntu) I approached the guys behind the project and asked them what do they think about having one, as they liked the idea I have set up:

Telepathy KDE Releases PPA - This PPA will have packages for official releases of Telepathy KDE for natty and oneiric (for now)

Daily Builds PPA - This one, as the name implies, will have daily builds of Telepathy KDE modules and should be used only by adventurous people :)

So, if you are running Kubuntu and would like to give Telepathy KDE a try now, please add ppa:telepathy-kde/ppa to your sources list and install telepathy-kde package which will pull all necessary modules.

Kudos to all people behind Telepathy KDE, those great people are hanging around in #kde-telepathy @ Also big thanks go to George for providing me the packaging so I had less work putting everything together.